Konstantin Yu. Osipenko
Prof., Sci. D.
Department of General Control
Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
Moscow State University
Vorob'evy Gory, Main Building MSU
Moscow 119899, RussiaTel.: +7-495-939-5632

Personal Data

  • BirthFebruary 23, 1950, Moscow, USSR
  • CitizenshipRussia
  • Married Statusmarriedtwo children


Academic Degrees

  • 1994 Doctor of Physical-Mathematical Sciences (Sci. D.), Steklov Mathematical Institute
  • 1976 Candidate of Physical-Mathematical Sciences (Ph. D.), Moscow State University, Faculty of Computing Mathematics and Cybernetics
  • 1972 Mathematician (M. S.), Moscow State University, Faculty of Computing Mathematics and Cybernetics


Teaching Activities

Moscow State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Department of General Control

  • 2008-p.t. Professor

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), Department of Mathematical Foundations of Control

  • 2018-p.t. Professor

State University of New York at Albany, Department of Mathematics and Statistics

  • 2007 Professor

MATI - Russian State Technological University (2015 - Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)), Department of Higher Mathematics

  • 1996-2017 Head of Department
  • 1994-p.t. Professor
  • 1979-1994 Associate Professor
  • 1976-1979 Assistant Professor


Typical Courses Taught

  • Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry
  • Mathematical Analysis
  • Differential Equations
  • Theory of Probability
  • Mathematical Statistics
  • Mathematical Physics
  • Numerical Methods
  • Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control
  • Optimal Recovery of Linear Operators
  • Convex Analysis


Participation in Conferences

  • 2024 Moscow (Russia), Moscow (Russia), Vladikavkaz (Russia), Suzdal (Russia), Moscow (Russia), Vladikavkaz (Russia)
  • 2023 Moscow (Russia), Dzinaga (Russia)
  • 2020 Ekaterinburg (Russia) (online)
  • 2019 Dolgoprudny (Russia)
  • 2018 Moscow (Russia)
  • 2016 Hangzhou (China)
  • 2015 Moscow (Russia)
  • 2014 Sao Jose do Rio Preto (Brazil), Tsey (Russia), Moscow (Russia)
  • 2013 Moscow (Russia)
  • 2012 Moscow (Russia), Tambov (Russia)
  • 2011 Moscow (Russia), Tambov (Russia), Moscow (Russia), Moscow (Russia)
  • 2010 Rincon (Puerto Rico), Moscow (Russia), Vladikavkaz (Russia), Vladikavkaz (Russia), Crimea, Laspi-Batiliman (Ukraine), Tambov (Russia), Moscow (Russia)
  • 2009 Kaohsiung (Taiwan), Moscow (Russia), Volgodonsk (Russia), Moscow (Russia), Tashkent (Uzbekistan), Tambov (Russia)
  • 2008 Moscow (Russia), Moscow (Russia), Budva (Montenegro)
  • 2007 Moscow (Russia)
  • 2006 Novorossisk (Russia), Vladikavkaz (Russia), Crimea, Laspi-Batiliman (Ukraine)
  • 2005 Moscow (Russia), Varna (Bulgaria), Joensuu (Finland)
  • 2004 Vladikavkaz (Russia), Yaroslavl (Russia), Petrovac (Serbia and Montenegro), Moscow (Russia), Moscow (Russia)
  • 2003 Moscow (Russia), Vladikavkaz (Russia), Moscow (Russia), Tambov (Russia)
  • 2001 Aveiro (Portugal), Oberwolfach (Germany)
  • 2000 Montreal (Canada), Acquafredda di Maratea (Italy), Tambov (Russia)
  • 1998 Berlin (Germany)
  • 1997 Nicosia (Cyprus)
  • 1996 Moscow (Russia), Rivne (Ukraine), Kaluga (Russia), Acquafredda di Maratea (Italy)
  • 1995 Warsaw (Poland), Moscow (Russia),
  • 1994 Tel Aviv (Israel), Haifa (Israel), Saratov (Russia), Schloss Dagstuhl (Germany)
  • 1991 Alushta (Ukraine)
  • 1990 Krasnovidovo (Russia)
  • 1989 Varna (Bulgaria)
  • 1986 Chelyabinsk (Russia)



Visiting Professor

  • 2016 Shanghai (China), Shanghai University
  • 2014 Sao Jose do Rio Preto (Brazil), Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
  • 2007 Albany (USA), State University of New York at Albany
  • 2007 Oberwolfach (Germany), Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
  • 2006 Jena (Germany), Friedrich-Schiller-University
  • 2006 Haifa (Israel), Technion
  • 2004 Beijing (China), Institute of Automation
  • 1998 Beijing (China), Institute of Mathematics
  • 1997 Haifa (Israel), Technion
  • 1994 Bonn (Germany), University of Bonn



  • The Member of Moscow Mathematical Society
  • The Member of American Mathematical Society (AMS)
  • The Member of Editorial Board of the journal "Computational Methods and Function Theory" 2001-2005


Research Interests

  • approximation theory
  • optimal recovery of analytic functions
  • optimal recovery from noisy information
  • n-widths
  • inequalities for derivatives
  • quadrature formulas for analytic functions


Honors and Awards

  • 2007 Award of Ministry of Education and Science "Honorary Member of Vocational Education of Russian Federation"
  • 2005 Medal "Minister of USSR Marshal D.F. Ustinov"
  • 2001 Soros Professor (ISSEP)
  • 2000 Soros Professor (ISSEP)
  • 1997 Medal "In Memory of 850th Anniversary of Moscow"
  • 1993 Certificated Associate Professor of MATI

Listed in

    • 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 20th Century
    • Dictionary of Internatianal Biography
    • Famous Russians
    • Outstanding People of the 20th Century
    • Who’s Who in Science and Engineering
    • Who’s Who in the World



  • 2017-2019 "Controllability and Optimality Conditions", RFBR #17-01-00649
  • 2016-2017 The President Grant for State Support of Leading Scientific Schools in Russian Federation ``Extremum Conditions in Problems with Constraints without any a Priory Assumptions of Normality. Covering of Nonlinear Mappings and its Applications. Nonlinear Evolutionary Equations. Theoretical and Computational Aspects", NSH-8215.2016.1
  • 2014-2016 "Extremum Theory, Convex Analysis and Applications", RFBR #14-01-00744
  • 2014-2016 "Optimization of Processes with Inaccurate Data on the Basis of Optimal Recovery Theory", RFBR #14-01-00456
  • 2014-2016 "Methods of Nonlinear Analysis in Solving of Problems of Control and Optimization", RFBR #14-01-92004 (joint research National Science Council of Taiwan)
  • 2014 "The Theory of Optimal Recovery: Metods and Solutions", FAPESP (Brazil) #2013/15840-4
  • 2013-2015 "Mathematical Methods of Forcasting and Recovery Dependencies on Incomplete Data Using Probabilistic, Agorithmic, and Wavelet Methods", RFBR #13-01-12447 (oriented basic researches on actual interdisciplinary themes)
  • 2012-2013 "Optimality Conditions in Mathematical Models with Inaccurate Data'', RFBR #12-01-90014 (joint research with Belorussian Foundation for Basic Research)
  • 2012 "Development and Application of Methods of the Functional Analysis to the Theory of Extremum and Optimal Control, Differential Equations and Problems of Mathematical Modeling", PFUR
  • 2012-2014 "Development of Methods of the Nonlinear Analysis and their Application to the Theory of Dynamic Systems, Optimization, and Problems of Mathematical Modeling of Physical Processes", PFUR
  • 2012-2014 "Degenerate Optimization Problems, and Singular Points of Extension of Solutions of Equations of the Potential Field with Inexact Boundaries", RFBR #12-01-00506
  • 2012-2013 "Development of Mathematical Methods for the Investigation of Problems of Control and Optimization and their Applications", RFBR #12-01-91150 (joint research with National Natural Science Foundation of China)
  • 2012-2013 The President Grant for State Support of Leading Scientific Schools in Russian Federation ``Control Problems, Nonlinear Analysis, Optimal Numerical Algorithms, Harmonic Analysis, and Applications", NSH-6003.2012.1
  • 2011-2012 "Fundamental Mathematical Models of Economic Agents Behavior in System of Intermediate Term Forecasting of Russian Economic Dynamics", RFBR #11-01-12084 (oriented basic researches on actual interdisciplinary themes)
  • 2011-2013 "Theory of Extremal Problems and the Best Approximation of Linear Operators from Inaccurate Data", RFBR #11-01-00529
  • 2010-2011 "Optimality Conditions and Controllability for Scalar and Vector Optimization Problems'', RFBR #10-01-90002 (joint research with Belorussian Foundation for Basic Research)
  • 2010-2012 "Optimal Models of Recovery for Solutions of Mathematical Physics Equations", RFBR #10-01-00188
  • 2009-2011 "Abnormal Optimal Control Problems and Constrained Extremal Problems", RFBR #09-01-00619
  • 2009-2010 "Convex Analysis, Extremal problems, and Optimal Recovery", RFBR #09-01-90360 (joint research with Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of South Ossetia)
  • 2009 Organization and conduction of the International Conference "Optimization and Approximation" dedicated to the 75th birthday of V.M. Tikhomirov, RFBR #09-01-06097
  • 2009-2011 "Topological and Variational Methods in Optimization Problems", RFBR #09-01-92003 (joint research National Science Council of Taiwan)
  • 2009-2010 "Economic and Geometry Extremal Problems on Equipped Surfaces", RFBR #09-01-90200 (joint research with Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of Mongolia)
  • 2009-2011 Target grant "Development of Scientific Potential of Higher School”, ¹2.1.1/2775. "Methods of Harmonic Analysis in Theory of Differential Equations and Functional Spaces”
  • 2009 ``Participation in the International Symposium on Optimization and Optimal Control (ISO2C)'', RFBR, National Science Council of the ROC, Research Center for Nonlinear Analysis and Discrete Mathematics and Department of Applied Mathematics, National Sun Yat-sen University
  • 2008-2009 "Abnormal Solutions of Scalar and Vector Optimization Problems and Systems with Inaccurate Data'', RFBR #08-01-90001 (joint research with Belorussian Foundation for Basic Research)
  • 2008-2009 The President Grant for State Support of Leading Scientific Schools in Russian Federation ``Optimal Control, Nonlinear Analysis, Optimal Numerical Algorithms, Harmonic Analysis, and Applications", NSH-3233.2006.1
  • 2008-2010 "Extremal Problems, Best Approximation, and Optimal Recovery'', RFBR #08-01-00450
  • 2007-2008 "Extremal Problems of Surfaces Geometry and Optimal Recovery", RFBR #07-01-90102 (joint research with Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of Mongolia)
  • 2007. Organization and conduction of the International Conference "Extremal Problems in Complex and Real Analysis", RFBR #07-01-06033
  • 2007 "Optimal Recovery, Extremal Problems and Composition Operators in Spaces of Holomorphic Functions",Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach "Research in Pairs"
  • 2006-2007 "High Order Optimality Conditions in Optimization Problems and Extremal Problems of Optimal Recovery", RFBR #06-01-81004 (joint research with Belorussia Foundation for Basic Research)
  • 2006-2007 The President Grant for State Support of Leading Scientific Schools in Russian Federation ``Approximation, Extremum Theory, Harmonic Analysis and their Applications", NSH-5813.2006.1
  • 2006-2008 "Optimality Conditions for Degenerate Systems and Optimal Recovery Problems, Nash Optimisation of Rayleigh Quotient'', RFBR #06-01-00530
  • 2005-2007 "Extremal Problems of Approximation Theory and General Theory of Extremum'', RFBR #05-01-00261
  • 2005-2007 "Optimal Conditions in Optimality Constrained Problems of Optimal Recovery'', RFBR #05-01-00275
  • 2005-2006 "On Stability of Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations System Belongs to Some Class on Planar Graphs'', RFBR #05-01-00675
  • 2005 "Convex Analysis, Extremum Theory, and Optimal Recovery of Operators", Universities of Russia UR.04.02.536
  • 2005 "Problems of Optimal Recovery in Models Described by Parabolic and Elliptic Type Equations", Universities of Russia UR.03.01.130
  • 2004 Organization and conduction of the International Conference "Extremal Problems and Approximation" dedicated to the 70th birthday of V.M. Tikhomirov, RFBR #04-01-10102
  • 2004-2005 "Optimal Recovery and Extremum Theory", Universities of Russia UR.04.03.067
  • 2003 "Development of Mathematical Education Methodology in Technical Universities for Training of Engineers Specialized in the Control of Complicated Transport Systems on the Example of Methods of the Discrete Mathematics". Ministry of Education of Russia, #410103 
  • 2003 "Development of Mathematical Education Methodology in Technical Universities for Training of Students of Natural and Engineering Specialty on the Example of Integral Calculus"Ministry of Education of Russia, #410203
  • 2003-2005 The President Grant for State Support of Leading Scientific Schools in Russian Federation ``Approximation, Extremum Theory, Harmonic Analysis in Number Theory", NSH-304.2003.1
  • 2002 Multimedia Textbook "Mathematics for Engineers", Scientific and Technical Program of Ministry of Education of Russia "Scientific, Methodic, Material, Technical, and Information Support of Education System" #2.7.6(43.0)99.072
  • 2002-2003 "Application of Harmonic and Wavelet-Analysis to Optimal Recovery Problems", RFBR #02-01-39012 (joint research with National Natural Science Foundation of China)
  • 2002-2003 "Optimal Methods for Coding of Functions", Universities of Russia UR.04.03.013.
  • 2002-2004 ``Optimal Recovery of Functions, Operators, and Stochastic Processes'', RFBR #02-01-00386
  • 2001 Participation in the International Conference "Computational Methods and Function Theory 2001", National Science Foundation (USA)
  • 2001 Participation in the International Conference "Computational Methods and Function Theory 2001", RFBR #01-01-10619
  • 2000 Grant of Moscow and International Soros Science Education Program (ISSEP)
  • 2000 Participation in the 4th International Conference on Functional Analysis and Approximation Theory, RFBR #00-01-10870
  • 2000-2002 Federal Program on Support of Leading Scientific Schools, RFBR #00-15-96109
  • 1999-2001 ``Algorithms of Approximation and Recovery of Smooth and Analytic Functions of Many Variables and Stochastic Processes; Their Complexity'', RFBR #99-01-01181
  • 1998-2000 ``Best Methods of Approximation and Wavelets'', RFBR #96-01-00035 (joint research with National Natural Science Foundation of China)
  • 1997-2000 ``Development of the Educational Scientific Center on Mechanics and its Application in Techniques and Technology'', State Support Program on Integration of Higher Education and Basic Science in 1997-2000, #480
  • 1997-1999 ``Best Methods of Approximation and Recovery of Smooth and Analytic Functions, Application of Harmonic Analysis in Number Theory, Methods of Research of Nonlinear Problems of Optimal Control'', Federal Program on Support of Leading Scientific Schools, RFBR #96-15-96072
  • 1996-1998 ``Optimal Algorithms and Complexity of Approximation and Recovery'', RFBF #96-01-00325
  • 1995-1996 ``Selected Chapters of Approximation and Classical Analysis'', RFBR #95-01-02839-d (Publishing Grant)
  • 1994-1995``Spectral Theory of Nonlinear Differential Equations, Harmonic Analysis and Approximation'', ISF, MP1000, MP1300
  • 1993-1995``Best Methods of Approximation and Recovery of Smooth and Analytic Functions'', RFBR #93-01-00237
  • 1993 ``Optimal Recovery of Analytic Functions'', ISF


Recent Publications

  1. Optimal recovery of linear operators from information of random functions, J. Complexity, 86 (2025), 101903, pp. 15,
  2. Main recent research results of the staff of the Chair of General Problems of Control, Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. 1. Mat. Mekh., 2024, no 6, 64-71 (with A.A. Vasilieva, A.V. Gorshkov, M.P. Zapletin, L.V. Lokucievskii, G.G. Magaril-Ilyaev, R.S. Ryutin, and F.V. Fursikov).
  3. Georgy Georgievich Magaril-Il'yaev (on his 80th anniversary), Vladikavkaz Mat. Zh., 26, 2 (2024), 133-136 (with E.R. Avakov, V.I. Burenkov, E.M. Galeev, M.L. Goldman, V.B. Demidovich, A.V. Dmitruk, A.G. Kusraev, S.S. Kutateladze, V.D. Stepanov, and V.M. Tikhomirov).
  4. Optimal recovery of linear operators from information of random functions, arXiv:2405.11363, (2024), 1-15,
  5. Recovery of differential operators from a noisy Fourier transform, arXiv:2404.03917, (2024), 1-14,
  6. Recovery of analytic functions that is exact on subspaces of entire functions, Mat. Sb., 215, 3 (2024), 100-118.
  7. Optimal recovery and generalized Carlson inequality for weights with symmetry properties, J. Complexity, 81 (2024), 101807, pp. 35, 
  8. On the construction of families of optimal recovery methods for linear operators, Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat., 88, 1 (2024), 98-120; English transl. in Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat., 88, 1 (2024), 98-120.
  9. Sharp Carlson type inequalities with many weights, Trudy Inst. Mat. Mekh. UrO RAN, 29, 4 (2023), 229-240; English transl. in Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 323 (2023), 211-221.
  10. Optimal recovery and generalized Carlson inequality for weights with symmetry properties, arXiv:2303.10355, (2023), 1-32,
  11. Sharp inequalities for derivatives and Fourier transform International conference “Order Analysis and Related Problems of Mathematical Modeling. Operator Theory and Differential Equations”, Vladikavkas, SMI VSC RAS, 2023, 35-36.
  12. Calculus of Variation and Optimal Control. M.: LENAND. 2023.
  13. Introduction to Optimal Recovery Theory. SPb.: Lan Publishing House. 2022.
  14. Convex Analysis. M.: LENAND. 2022.
  15. Optimal recovery in weighted spaces with homogeneous weights, Mat. Sb., 213, 3 (2022), 111-138; English transl. in Sbornic: Mathematics, 213, 3 (2022), 385-411.
  16. Inequalities for derivatives with the Fourier transform, Appl. Comp. Harm. Anal., 53 (2021), 132-150.
  17. Optimal recovery of pipe temperature from inaccurate measurements, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 312 (2021), 207-214. (with G.G. Magaril-Il’yaev, E.O. Sivkova).
  18. Adaptive and nonadaptive methods of optimal recovery of operators, Scientific conference “Computational Mathematics and its Applications”, Dolgoprudny, MIPT, 2019, 45-46.
  19. Some problems of optimal recovery of linear operators, School-conference “Approximation and Data Analysis 2019” (Nizhny Novgorod), 2019, 19-20 (with G.G. Magaril-Il’yaev).
  20. Generalized adaptive versus nonadaptive recovery from noisy information, J. Complexity, 53 (2019), 162-172.
  21. Optimal methods of recovery of solutions of the Dirichlet problem exact on subspaces of spherical harmonics, Mat. Zametki, 104, 6 (2018), 803-811; English transl. in Math. Notes, 104, 6 (2018), 781-788  (with E.A. Balova).
  22. Recovery of derivatives for functions defined on the semiaxis, J. Complexity, 48 (2018), 111-118.
  23. Recovering linear operators and Lagrange function minimality condition, Sibirsky Matem. Journal, 59, 1 (2018), 15-28; English transl. in Siberian Math. J., 59, 1 (2018), 11-21 (with A.V. Arutyunov).
  24. On recovery of the solution of the Dirichlet problem from inaccurate data. Titles and Abstracts of Talks, International Scientific Conference “Infinite Dimensional Analysis and Control Theory” dedicated to the cetenary of S.V. Fomin. MSU. M. 2018, 22.
  25. Optimal recovery of linear functionals and operators, Communication on Applied Mathematics and Computation, 30, 4 (2016), 459-481.
  26. Convex analysis, MAI, Dept. of Math., 2016, 1-66.
  27. On recovery of signals from the spectrum, Proceedings of the International Summer Mathematical Stechkin School-Conference on Function Theory, Dushanbe, 2016, 151-160 (with G.G. Magaril-Il’yaev).
  28. Exactness and optimality of methods for recovering functions from their spectrum, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov, 293 (2016), 201-216; English transl. in Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 293 (2016), 194-208 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev).
  29. Optimal recovery of operators and multidimensional Carlson type inequalities, J. Complexity, 32, 1 (2016), 53-73.
  30. Optimal recovery of linear operators from inaccurate information, Mathematical Analysis and Mathematical Modeling. Proceedings of the International Conference of Young Scientists, Vladikavkaz, 2015, 43-68.
  31. Optimal recovery of a function from its inaccurately given spectrum. International Conference “Functional Spaces and Function Approximation Theory” dedicated to the 110th anniversary of academician S.M. Nikolskii. MIAN. M. 2015, 176 (with G.G. Magaril-Il’yaev).
  32. The best approximation of a set whose elements are known approximately, Fundamentalnaya i Prikladnaya Matematika, 19, 5 (2014), 127-141; English transl. in Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 218, 5 (2016), 636-646 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev and E.O. Sivkova).
  33. Calculus of variations and optimal control, "MATI" - RSTU, Dept. of Math., 2014, 1-56.
  34. On the best recovery methods of derivatives on Sobolev classes, Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk. Ser. Mat., 78, 6 (2014), 83-102; English transl. in Izvestiya: Mathematics, 78, 6 (2014), 1138-1157 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev).
  35. Optimal recovery of linear operators in non-Euclidean metrics, Mat. Sb., 205, 10 (2014), 77-106; English transl. in Sbornic: Mathematics, 205, 10 (2014), 1442-1472.
  36. On best harmonic synthesis of periodic functions, Fundamentalnaya i Prikladnaya Matematika, 18, 5 (2013), 155-174; English transl. in Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York), 209, 1 (2015), 115-129 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev).
  37. On optimal recovery of solutions to difference equatios from inaccurate data, Problemy Matematicheskogo Analiza, 69 (2013), 47-54; English transl. in Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York), 189, 4 (2013), 596-603 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev).
  38. Equations of hyperpolic type. Student solutions manual. v. 2, "MATI" - RSTU, Dept. of Math., 2013, 1-24 (with E.V. Vvedenskaya, V.V. Gorbatzevich).
  39. Discrete analog of Taikov's inequality and recovery of sequence given with an error, Mat. Zametki, 92, 4 (2012), 515-527; English transl. in Math. Notes, 92, 4 (2012), 18-29 (with E.V. Vvedenskaya).
  40. How best to recover a function from its inaccurately given spectrum? Mat. Zametki, 92, 1 (2012), 59-67; English transl. in Math. Notes, 92 (2012), 51-58 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev).
  41. Linear algebra and analytical geometry, "MATI" - RSTU, Dept. of Math., 2011, 1-203 (with N.D. Vysk).
  42. Extremal problems for the generalized heat equation and optimal recovery of its solution from inaccurate data, Optimization, 60, 6 (2011), 755-767.
  43. How to recover functions from inaccurate information, Proceedings of International Mathematical Conference "50 Years of IPPI", Moscow, 2011, 1-7 (CD-ROM) (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev).
  44. Hardy-Littlewood-Polya inequality and recovery of derivatives from inaccurate data, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 438, 3 (2011), 300-302; English transl. in Dokl. Math., 83, 3 (2011) (with G.G.Magaril-Il'yaev).
  45. Recovery of functions and their derivatives from inaccurate spectral data. Mathematics, Informatics, their Applications and a Role in Education: Proceedings of the Russian School Conference with the International Participation. Moscow. PFUR, 2010, 311-319 (with. G.G.Magaril-Il'yaev and V.M.Tikhomirov).
  46. Optimal recovery of functions from their Fourier coefficients, Mathematical Analysis and Mathematical Modeling. Proceedings of International Conference of Young Scientists. Vladikavkaz. VSC RAS, 2010, 55-62.
  47. Recovery of functions and their derivatives from inaccurate Fourier coefficients, Actual directions of development of applied mathematics in power, power efficiency and information-communication technologies, Moscow, MSTU, 2010, 225-228.
  48. On optimal harmonic synthesis from inaccurate spectral data, Funkc. nanaliz i ego prilozh., 44:3 (2010), 76-79; English transl. in Funct. Anal and Its Appl., 44:3 (2010), 223-225 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev).
  49. How to recover a function from its Fourier coefficients given inaccurately in the best way? International Conference "The Twenty First Crimean Autumn Mathematical School-Symposium" ("KROMSH-2010")Book of AbstractsSimpheropol, 2010, 36.
  50. On the pasture territories covering maximal grass, Optimization and Optimal Control. Theory and Applications, in Springer Optimization and Its Applications, Springer, Vol. 39, 2010, 449-461 (with D. Haltar and V.M. Tikhomirov).
  51. On reconstruction of convolution-type operators from inaccurate information, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov, 269 (2010), 181-192; English transl. in Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 269 (2010), 174-185 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev).
  52. Extremal problems of interpolation type and optimal recovery of linear operators, Tambov University Reports: Series Natural and Technical Sciences, 15, 1 (2010), 437-447.
  53. Hadamard type extremal problems and optimal recovery of analytic functions, Intern. Conf. Recent Advances in Function Related Operator Theory, Abstracts, Rincon, Puerto Rico, 2010, 12-14.
  54. Hadamard and Schwarz type theorems and optimal recovery in spaces of analytic functions, Constr. Approx., 31, 1 (2010), 37-67 (with M. Stessin).
  55. Schwarz lemma and optimal recovery of functions in $H^2$. Proceedings. The International Conference Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization Problems, 6-10 October 2008, Budva, Montenegro, Montenegrin Academy of Science and Arts, 2009, Podgorica, 21-30 (with. M. Stessin).
  56. Optimal recovery of functions and solutions of evolutionary equations. Proceedings. The International Conference Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization Problems, 6-10 October 2008, Budva, Montenegro, Montenegrin Academy of Science and Arts, 2009, Podgorica, 7-20 (with. G.G.Magaril-Il'yaev).
  57. Some problems of optimal recovery of linear operators, Contemporary problems of mathematics and mechanics, V.3, 1. Moscow, MSU, 2009, 129-142 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev).
  58. Extremal problems of the Hadamar three-circle theorem types and optimal recovery of operators, Control and Optimization of Dynamical Systems, Abstracts of International Conference, Tashkent, 2009, 85.
  59. Hardy-Littlewood-Polya inequality and the Hadamar three-circle theorem, International Conference ``Optimization and Approximation'', Moscow, MSU, 2009, 6.
  60. Optimal recovery of the solution of the heat equation from inaccurate data, Mat. Sb., 200 (2009), 37-54; English transl. in Sbornic: Mathematics 200 (2009), 665-682 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev).
  61. Optimal recovery of operators from inaccurate information, Mathematical Forum. V.2. Researches on Calculus. Vladikavkaz: VSC RAS, 2008, 158-192 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev).
  62. Extremal problems for the generalized heat equation and optimal recovery of its solution from inaccurate data, Intern. Symposium on Optimization and Optimal Control (ISO2C), National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2009, 19.
  63. Mathematical methods in durability, stability, and reliability problems of construction elements. Scientific report, # 01200850645, VNTIC, 2008, 1-32 (with L.V. Agamirov, O.A. Barabanova, L.A. Muravei, M.A. Nosov).
  64. On the best sampling of information in the recovery problem of functions from its spectrum, Mathematical Forum. V.1. Researches on Calculus. Vladikavkaz: VSC RAS, 2008, 142-150 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev).
  65. On optimal recovery of evolutionary equations, International Conference "Differential Equations and Topology" dedicated to the centennial anniversary of L.S. Pontryagin, Abstracts, Ìoscow. MSU, Max Press, 2008, 157 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev).
  66. Recovery of the heat equation solution from inaccurate observations, 3-d International Conference "Functional Spaces. Differential Operators. General Topology, Problems of Mathematical Education", Abstracts, MoscowMFTI, 2008, 153-155
  67. Linear algebra and analytical geometry. Electronic Textbook. Polygraph-Era, 2007, 1-190 (with N.D. Vysk).
  68. Optimal recovery of linear operators from inaccurate information, MATI-RSTU, Dep. of Mathematics, 2007, 1-87.
  69. Optimal recovery of solutions of the generalized heat equation in the unit ball from inaccurate data, J. Complexity, 23, 4-6 (2007), 653-661 (with E.V. Wedenskaya).
  70. Optimal recovery of the wave equation solution by inaccurate input data, Mat. Zametki, 81, 6 (2007), 803-815; English transl. in   Math. Notes 81 (2007), 723-733 (with N.D. Vysk).
  71. Separability theorems in $R^N$ and optimal recovery, MATI-RSTU, Dep. of Higher Mathematics, 2006, 1-11.
  72. Spherical harmonics, eigenfunctions of the Laplace operator, and optimal recovery, MATI-RSTU, Dep. of Higher Mathematics, 2006, 1-19.
  73. The Hardy-Littlewood-Polya inequality for analytic functions from Hardy-Sobolev spaces, Mat. Sb., 197 (2006), 15-34; English transl. in Sbornic: Mathematics 197 (2006), 315-334.
  74. Vladimir M. Tikhomirov, Moscow Mathematical Journal, 5, 1 (2005), 295 (with V. Arnold, A. Demidov, Yu. Ilyashenko, G. Magaril-Ilyaev, E. Mishchenko, A. Sossinsky, V. Tsfasman, V. Uspensky, M. Vyalyi, I. Yaschenko, M. Zelikin).
  75. The Hardy-Littlewood-Polya inequality and optimal recovery of derivatives in Hardy spaces, Comput. Methods and FunctTheoryInternConfJoensuuFinland, 2005, 109.
  76. Optimal recovery of derivatives and exact inequalities in Hardy spaces, Constr. Theory of Funct.InternConfVarna, 2005, 27.
  77. On the Hardy-Littlewood-Polya inequality for analytic functions, Funct. Spaces, Approx. Theory, Nonlinear Analysis. Intern. Conf. Moscow, 2005, 339.
  78. Optimal recovery, best approximation, and extremum theory, Funct. Spaces, Approx. Theory, Nonlinear Analysis. Intern. Conf. Moscow, 2005, 327 (with. G.G.Magaril-Il'yaev and V.M.Tikhomirov).
  79. On recovery of the Dirichlet problem solution by inaccurate input data, Vladikavkaz Mat. Zh., 6, 4 (2004), 55-62.
  80. 70th Birthday of Vladimir Mikhailovich Tikhomirov, Vladikavkaz Mat. Zh., 6, 4 (2004), 5-6 (with A.V. Arutyunov, A.P. Buslaev, E.M. Galeev, M.L. Goldman, V.B. Demidovich, A.G. Kusraev, S.S. Kutateladze, G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev, and E.S. Polovinkin).
  81. Optimal recovery of linear operators, Abstracts of International Conference "Extremal Problems and Approximation", M:, MSU, 2004, 11-12.
  82. On optimal recovery of heat equation solutions. In: Approximation Theory: A volume dedicated to B.Bojanov (D.K. Dimitrov, G.Nikolov, and R.Uluchev, Eds.), 163-175, Sofia: Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, 2004 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev and V.M. Tikhomirov).
  83. 60th Birthday of Georgii Georgievich Magaril-Il'yaev, Vladikavkaz Mat. Zh., 6, 2 (2004), 61-63 (with A.V. Arutyunov, A.P. Buslaev, E.M. Galeev, M.L. Goldman, V.B. Demidovich, A.G. Kusraev, S.S. Kutateladze, and V.M. Tikhomirov).
  84. Optimal recovery of values of functions and their derivatives from inaccurate data on the Fourier transform, Mat. Sb., 195 (2004), 67-82; English transl. in Sbornic: Mathematics, 195 (2004), 1461-1476 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev).
  85. Optimal recovery problems under uncertain conditions, Functional Spaces. Differential Operators. Problems of Mathematical Education, Intern. Conf., Moscow, 2003, 69-71 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev).
  86. Optimal recovery of analytic functions by their values at an equidistant net on a circle, Vladikavkaz Mat. Zh., 5, 1 (2003), 48-52.
  87. Optimal recovery of derivatives on Sobolev classes, Vladikavkaz Mat. Zh., 5, 1 (2003), 39-47 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev).
  88. Optimal recovery of functions and their derivatives from inaccurate information about the spectrum and inequalities for derivatives, Funkc. analiz i ego prilozh., 37 (2003), 51-64; English transl. in Funct. Analand Its Appl., 37 (2003) 203-214 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev).
  89. Indefinite knowledge about an object and accuracy of its recovery methods, Probl. Peredachi Inf., 39 (2003), 118-133; English transl. in Probl. of Inform. Transm. 39 (2003), 104-118 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev and V.M. Tikhomirov).
  90. Optimal recovery and extremum theory, Comput. Methods Funct. Theory, 2 (2002), 87-112 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev and V.M. Tikhomirov).
  91. On teaching of mathematics in technical universities, Referate des 31. Internationalen Symposiums "Ingenieur des 21. Jahrunderts", Sankt-Petersburg, 2002, 524-525 (with A.P. Buslaev, M.I. Goldman, G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev, V.M. Tikhomirov, U.A. Farkov, and M.V. Yashina).
  92. Optimal recovery of functions and their derivatives from Fourier coefficients prescribed with an error, Mat. Sb.,193 (2002), 79-100; English transl. in Sbornic: Mathematics, 193 (2002), 387-407 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev).
  93. A beam in a hut, Kvant, 1, 2 (2002),  9-15, 2-6 (with A. Spivak and V. Tikhomirov).
  94. Optimal recovery and best quadratures for Hardy-Sobolev classes, Numerical Integration and its Complexity, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Report ¹50/2001, 2001, 9.
  95. Partial differential equations of the first order and classification of linear equations of the second order, MATI-RSTU, Dep. of Higher Mathematics, 2001, 1-15 (with V.V. Gorbatzevich).
  96. Best quadrature formulae on Hardy–Sobolev classes, Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk. Ser. Mat., 65 (2001), 73-90; English transl. in Izv. Math., 65 (2001), 923-939.
  97. Optimal reconstruction and the theory of extremum,Dokl. Ross. Akad. Nauk, 379 (2001), 161-164; Tnglish transl. in Doklady Mathematics, 64 (2001), 32-35 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev and V.M. Tikhomirov).
  98. Optimal recovery in Hardy-Sobolev spaces and an analogue of splines for analytic functions, Comp. Methand FunctTheory 2001, Univde Aveiro, 2001, 73.
  99. On optimal methods of recovery in Hardy-Sobolev spaces, Mat. Sb., 192 (2001), 67-86; English transl. in Sbornic: Mathematics, 192 (2001), 225-244.
  100. On exact values of n-widths in a Hilbert space, J. Approx. Theory, 108 (2001), 97-117 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev and V.M. Tikhomirov).
  101. Development of qualitative theory of nonclassical equations of mathematical physics and mechanics, Scientific report, 02.20.0005268, VNTIC, 2000, 1-54 (with R.I. Bogdanov, E.V. Vvedenskaya, and others).
  102. Optimal Recovery of Analytic Functions, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Huntington, New York, 2000.
  103. The method of parametrization in optimal recovery problems, Vestn. TambovUnivSerEstestvi tehnichnauki. 5 (2000), 480-481.
  104. Optimal recovery of analytic functions in Hardy-Sobolev spaces, 4th Intern. Conf. on Func. Analysis and Approx. Theory, Acquafredda di Maratea, 2000, 43.
  105. On best quadrature formulas on the Hardy spaces $H_p$, Proceedings of MATI, 3(75), Moscow, 2000, 327-330.
  106. MAPLE in the course of mathematical analysis. Differentiation of functions, MATI-RSTU, Dep. of Higher Mathematics, 1999, 1-20 (with O.Yu. Agareva, E.V. Vvedenskaya).
  107. MAPLE in the course of mathematical analysis. Limits of functions. Continuity, MATI-RSTU, Dep. of Higher Mathematics, 1999, 1-14 (with O.Yu. Agareva, E.V. Vvedenskaya).
  108. Optimal recovery of the derivative of periodic analytic functions from Hardy classes, J. Approx. Theory97 (1999), 384-395.
  109. On optimal recovery of derivatives of analytic functions, Approx. Theory and Harmonic AnalysisInternConf., Tula, 1998, 292-293.
  110. Development of course of mathematics in technical high schools (problems and prospects), Problems of Engineering Education at the Beginning of XXI Century, MADI(TU), Moscow, 1998, 54-55 (with A. P. Buslaev, M. I. Gol'dman, G. G. Magaril-Il'yaev, O. V. Seleznev, V. M. Tikhomirov, and Yu. A. Farkov).
  111. Power series, Encyclopedia for Children, Mathematics, Avanta+, Moscow, 1998, 501-503.
  112. The Schwartz Lemma in the Hardy and Bergman spaces on the unit ball of ${\bf C}^n$, Proceedings of MATI, 1(73), Moscow, 1998, 340-343.
  113. On optimal recovery of periodic analytic functions, Comput. Methods and Func. Theory `97, Intern. Conf., Nicosia, 1997, 32.
  114. On the precise values of $n$-widths for classes defined by cyclic variation diminishing operators, Mat. Sb., 188 (1997), 113-126; English transl. in Sbornic: Mathematics, 188 (1997), 1371-1383.
  115. Optimal information for approximating periodic functions, Math. Comput., 66 (1997), 1579-1592 (with K. Wilderotter).
  116. Exact $n$-widths of Hardy-Sobolev classes, Constr. Approx., 13 (1997), 17-27.
  117. On exact values of $n$-widths for classes defined by nonlinear cyclic variation diminishing operators, 3rd Intern. Conf. on Func. Analysis and Approx. Theory, Acquafredda di Maratea, 1996, 73.
  118. Optimal recovery of periodic functions from Fourier coefficients given with an error, J. Complexity, 12 (1996), 35-46.
  119. Optimal recovery of functions in $H_{2,\beta}$, Intern. Conf. on Approx. Theory, Kaluga, 1996, 247-248.
  120. Approximation of analytic functions, Approx. Theory and Numer. Methods, Intern. Conf., Rivne, 1996, 99.