Recent Publications
of K. Yu. Osipenko
(since 1995)
- Optimal recovery of linear operators from
information of random functions, J. Complexity, 86 (2025), 101903, pp. 15,
- Main recent research results of the staff
of the Chair of General Problems of Control, Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. 1.
Mat. Mekh., 2024,
no 6, 64-71 (with A.A. Vasilieva, A.V. Gorshkov, M.P. Zapletin, L.V.
Lokucievskii, G.G. Magaril-Ilyaev, K.S. Ryutin, and A.V. Fursikov) (pdf, in Russian).
- Georgy Georgievich Magaril-Il'yaev (on his
80th anniversary), Vladikavkaz Mat. Zh., 26, 2 (2024), 133-136
(with E.R. Avakov, V.I. Burenkov, E.M. Galeev, M.L. Goldman, V.B.
Demidovich, F.V. Dmitruk, A.G. Kusraev, S.S. Kutateladze, VV.D. Stepanov,
and V.M. Tikhomirov) (pdf, in Russian).
- Optimal recovery of linear operators
from information of random functions, arXiv:2405.11363, (2024), 1-15,
- Recovery of differential
operators from a noisy Fourier transform, arXiv:2404.03917, (2024), 1-14,
- Recovery of analytic functions that
is exact on subspaces of entire functions, Mat. Sb., 215, 3 (2024), 100-118; English transl.
in Sbornic: Mathematics, 215, 3 (2024), 383-400 (pdf).
- Optimal recovery and
generalized Carlson inequality for weights with symmetry properties, J. Complexity, 81 (2024), 101807, pp. 35,
- On the construction of families
of optimal recovery methods for linear operators, Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat., 88, 1 (2024), 98-120;
English transl. in Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat., 88, 1 (2024), 98-120
- Sharp Carlson type inequalities
with many weights, Trudy Inst. Mat. Mekh. UrO RAN, 29, 4 (2023), 229-240; English
transl. in Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 323 (2023), 211-221 (pdf).
- Optimal recovery and
generalized Carlson inequality for weights with symmetry properties, arXiv:2303.10355, (2023),
1-32, (pdf).
- Sharp inequalities for
derivatives and Fourier transform, International conference “Order Analysis
and Related Problems of Mathematical Modeling. Operator Theory and
Differential Equations”, Vladikavkaz, SMI VSC RAS, 2023, 35-36 (pdf, in Russian).
- Calculus of Variation and
Optimal Control. M.: LENAND. 2023 (pdf, in Russian).
- Introduction to Optimal Recovery
Theory. SPb.:
Lan Publishing House. 2022 (pdf, in Russian).
- Convex Analysis. M.: LENAND. 2022 (pdf, in Russian).
- Optimal recovery in weighted
spaces with homogeneous weights, Mat. Sb., 213, 3 (2022), 111-138; English transl.
in Sbornic: Mathematics, 213, 3 (2022), 385-411 (pdf).
- Inequalities for derivatives
with the Fourier transform, Appl. Comp. Harm. Anal., 53 (2021), 132-150 (pdf).
- Optimal recovery of pipe
temperature from inaccurate measurements, Mat. Inst. Steklov, 312 (2021), 216-223; English
transl. in Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 312 (2021), 207-214
(with G.G. Magaril-Il’yaev, E.O. Sivkova) (pdf).
- Adaptive and nonadaptive
methods of optimal recovery of operators, Scientific conference “Computational
Mathematics and its Applications”, Dolgoprudny, MIPT, 2019, 45-46 (pdf, in Russian).
- Some problems of optimal
recovery of linear operators, School-conference “Approximation and Data
Analysis 2019” (Nizny Novgorod), 2019, 19-20 (with G.G. Magaril-Il’yaev) (pdf).
- Generalized adaptive versus
nonadaptive recovery from noisy information, J. Complexity, 53 (2019), 162-172 (pdf).
- Optimal recovery methods for
solutions of the Dirichlet problem that are exact on subspaces of
spherical harmonics, Mat. Zametki, 104, 6
(2018), 803-811; English transl. in Math. Notes, 104, 6 (2018),
781-788 (with E.A. Balova) (pdf).
- Recovery of derivatives for
functions defined on the semiaxis, J. Complexity, 48 (2018), 111-118 (pdf).
- Recovering linear operators and Lagrange
function minimality condition, Sibirsky Matem. Journal, 59, 1 (2018), 15-28; English
transl. in Siberian Math. J., 59, 1 (2018), 11-21 (with A.V.
Arutyunov) (pdf)
- On recovery of the solution of the
Dirichlet problem from inaccurate data, Titles and Abstracts of Talks,
International Scientific Conference ``Infinite Dimensional Analysis and
Control Theory'' dedicated to the centenary of S.V. Fomin, Moscow, MSU, 2018, 22. (pdf, in Russian).
- Optimal recovery of linear functionals and
operators, Communication
on Applied Mathematics and Computation, 30, 4 (2016), 459-481 (pdf).
- Convex analysis, MAI, Dept. of Math.,
2016, 1-66 (pdf, in Russian).
- On recovery of signals from the spectrum, Proceedings of the
International Summer Mathematical Stechkin School-Conference on Function
Theory, Dushanbe, 2016, 151-160 (with G.G.
Magaril-Il’yaev) (pdf, in Russian).
- Exactness and optimality of methods for
recovering functions from their spectrum, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov, 293 (2016), 201-216; English transl.
in Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 293
(2016), 194-208 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev) (pdf).
- Optimal recovery of operators and
multidimensional Carlson type inequalities, J. Complexity, 32, 1 (2016), 53-73 (pdf).
- Optimal recovery of linear operators from
inaccurate information, Mathematical Analysis and Mathematical Modeling. Proceedings of the
International Conference of Young Scientists, Vladikavkaz, 2015, 43-68 (pdf).
- Optimal recovery of a function from its
inaccurately given spectrum. International Conference “Functional
Spaces and Function Approximation Theory” dedicated to the 110th
anniversary of academician S.M. Nikolskii. MIAN. M. 2015, 176 (with G.G.
Magaril-Il’yaev) (pdf, in Russian).
- The best approximation of a set whose
elements are known approximately, Fundamentalnaya i Prikladnaya Matematika,
19, 5 (2014), 127-141; English
transl. in Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 218, 5 (2016), 636-646
(with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev and E.O. Sivkova) (pdf).
- Calculus of variations and optimal
control. "MATI"
- RSTU, Dept. of Math., 2014, 1-56 (pdf, in Russian).
- On the best recovery methods of
derivatives on Sobolev classes, Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk. Ser. Mat., 78,
6 (2014), 83-102;
English transl. in Izvestiya: Mathematics, 78, 6 (2014),
1138-1157 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev) (pdf).
- Optimal recovery of linear operators in
non-Euclidean metrics, Mat. Sb., 205, 10 (2014), 77-106; English
transl. in Sbornic: Mathematics, 205, 10 (2014), 1442-1472 (pdf).
- On the best harmonic synthesis of periodic
functions, Fundamentalnaya
i Prikladnaya Matematika, 18, 5 (2013),
155-174; English transl. in Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New
York), 209, 1 (2015), 115-139 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev) (pdf).
- On optimal recovery of solutions to
difference equations from inaccurate data, Problemy Matematicheskogo Analiza,
69 (2013), 47-54; English transl. in Journal of Mathematical
Sciences (New York), 189, 4 (2013),
596-603 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev) (pdf).
- Equations of hyperpolic type. Student
solutions manual. v. 2, "MATI" - RSTU, Dept. of Math., 2013, 1-24 (with
E.V. Vvedenskaya, V.V. Gorbatzevich). (pdf,
in Russian).
- Discrete analog of Taikov's inequality and
recovery of sequence given with an error, Mat. Zametki, 92, 4 (2012), 515-527;
English transl. in Math. Notes, 92, 4 (2012), 18-29 (with
E.V. Vvedenskaya) (pdf).
- How best to recover a function from its
inaccurately given spectrum? Mat. Zametki, 92, 1 (2012), 59-67;
English transl. in Math. Notes, 92, 1 (2012), 51-58 (with
G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev) (pdf).
- Linear algebra and analytical geometry. "MATI" - RSTU, Dept.
of Math., 2011, 1-203 (with N.D. Vysk). (pdf, in Russian).
- Extremal problems for the generalized heat
equation and optimal recovery of its solution from inaccurate data, Optimization, 60, 6 (2011), 755-767 (pdf).
- How to recover functions from inaccurate
information, Proceedings
of International Mathematical Conference "50 Years of IPPI",
Moscow, 2011, 1-7 (CD-ROM) (with G.G.
Magaril-Il'yaev) (pdf).
- Hardy-Littlewood-Polya inequality and
recovery of derivatives from inaccurate data, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 438, 3
(2011), 300-302; English transl. in Dokl. Math., 83, 3
(2011) (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev). (pdf).
- Recovery of functions and their derivatives
from inaccurate spectral data. Mathematics, Informatics, their
Applications and a Role in Education: Proceedings of the Russian School
Conference with the International Participation. Moscow. PFUR, 2010,
311-319 (with. G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev and V.M. Tikhomirov). (pdf, in Russian).
- Optimal recovery of functions from their
Fourier coefficients, Mathematical Analysis and Mathematical Modeling. Proceedings of
International Conference of Young Scientists. Vladikavkaz. VSC RAS, 2010, 55-62. (pdf, in Russian).
- Recovery of functions and their
derivatives from inaccurate Fourier coefficients, Actual Directions of
Development of Applied Mathematics in Power, Power Efficiency and
Information-Communication Technologies, Moscow, MSTU, 2010, 225-228. (pdf, in Russian).
- On optimal harmonic synthesis from
inaccurate spectral data, Funkc. analiz i ego prilozh., 44:3 (2010), 76-79; English transl. in Funct.
Anal and Its Appl., 44:3 (2010), 223-225 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev) (pdf).
- How to recover a function from its Fourier
coefficients given inaccurately in the best way? International Conference
"The Twenty First Crimean Autumn Mathematical School-Symposium"
("KROMSH-2010"). Book of Abstracts. Simpheropol,
2010, 36 (pdf, in Russian).
- On the pasture territories covering
maximal grass, Optimization and Optimal Control. Theory and Applications, in
Springer Optimization and Its Applications, Springer, Vol. 39, 2010, 449-461 (with D.
Haltar and V.M. Tikhomirov) (pdf).
- On reconstruction of convolution-type
operators from inaccurate information, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov, 269 (2010), 181-192; English
transl. in Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 269
(2010), 174-185 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev) (pdf).
- Extremal problems of interpolation type
and optimal recovery of linear operators, Tambov University Reports: Series Natural
and Technical Sciences, 15, 1
(2010), 437-447 (pdf, in Russian).
- Hadamard type extremal problems and
optimal recovery of analytic functions, Intern. Conf. Recent Advances in Function Related
Operator Theory, Abstracts, Rincon, Puerto Rico, 2010, 12-14 (pdf).
- Hadamard and Schwarz type theorems and
optimal recovery in spaces of analytic functions, Constr. Approx.,
31, 1 (2010), 37-67 (with M. Stessin) (pdf).
- Schwarz lemma and optimal recovery of
functions in $H^2$. Proceedings. The International Conference Nonlinear Analysis and
Optimization Problems, 6-10 October 2008, Budva, Montenegro, Montenegrin Academy of
Science and Arts, 2009, Podgorica, 21-30 (with. M. Stessin) (pdf).
- Optimal recovery of functions and
solutions of evolutionary equations. Proceedings. The International Conference
Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization Problems, 6-10 October 2008, Budva, Montenegro, Montenegrin Academy of
Science and Arts, 2009, Podgorica, 7-20 (with. G.G.Magaril-Il'yaev)
- Some problems of optimal recovery of
linear operators, Contemporary problems of mathematics and mechanics, V.3, 1. Moscow,
MSU, 2009, 129-142 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev). (pdf, in Russian).
- Extremal problems of the Hadamar
three-circle theorem types and optimal recovery of operators, Control and Optimization of
Dynamical Systems, Abstracts of International Conference, Tashkent, 2009, 85 (pdf).
- Hardy-Littlewood-Polya inequality and the
Hadamar three-circle theorem, International Conference ``Optimization
and Approximation'', Abstracts, Moscow, MSU, 2009, 6 (pdf).
- Optimal recovery of the solution of the
heat equation from inaccurate data, Mat. Sb., 200 (2009), 37-54; English transl.
in Sbornic: Mathematics, 200 (2009), 665-682.(with G.G.
Magaril-Il'yaev). (pdf).
- Optimal recovery of operators from
inaccurate information, Mathematical Forum. V.2. Researches on Calculus. Vladikavkaz: VSC RAS, 2008,
158-192 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev). (pdf,
in Russian).
- Extremal problems for the generalized heat
equation and optimal recovery of its solution from inaccurate data, Intern. Symposium on
Optimization and Optimal Control (ISO2C), National Sun Yat-sen University,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2009, 19 (pdf).
- Mathematical methods in durability,
stability, and reliability problems of construction elements. Scientific report, #
01200850645, VNTIC, 2008, 1-32 (with L.V. Agamirov, O.A. Barabanova, L.A.
Muravei, M.A. Nosov).
- On the best sampling of information in the
recovery problem of functions from its spectrum, Mathematical Forum. V.1.
Researches on Calculus. Vladikavkaz: VSC RAS, 2008, 142-150 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev). (pdf, in Russian).
- On optimal recovery of evolutionary
equations, International
Conference "Differential Equations and Topology" dedicated to
the centennial anniversary of L.S. Pontryagin, Abstracts, Ìoscow. MSU, Max Press, 2008,
157 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev). (pdf, in Russian).
- Recovery of the heat equation solution
from inaccurate observations, 3-d Imternational Conference
"Functional Spaces. Differential Operators. General Topology,
Problems of Mathematical Education", Abstracts, Moscow. MFTI, 2008,
153-155. (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev). (pdf, in
- Linear algebra and analytical geometry.
Electronic Textbook. Polygraph-Era, 2007, 1-190 (with N.D. Vysk).
- Optimal recovery of linear operators from
inaccurate information, "MATI" - RSTU, Dept. of Math., 2007,
1-87. (pdf).
- Optimal recovery of solutions of the
generalized heat equation in the unit ball from inaccurate data, J. Complexity, 23, 4-6 (2007),
653-661 (with E.V. Wedenskaya).
- Optimal reconstruction of the solution of
the wave equation from inaccurate initial data, Mat. Zametki, 81, 6 (2007), 803-815;
English transl. in Math. Notes, 81 (2007), 723-733.(with
N.D. Vysk). (pdf).
- Separability theorems in $R^N$ and optimal
recovery, MATI-RSTU,
Dep. of Higher Mathematics, 2006, 1-11. (pdf,
in Russian).
- Spherical harmonics, eigenfunctions of the
Laplace operator, and optimal recovery, MATI-RSTU, Dep. of Higher Mathematics,
2006, 1-19. (pdf, in Russian).
- The Hardy-Littlewood-Polya inequality for
analytic functions from Hardy-Sobolev spaces, Mat. Sb., 197 (2006), 15-34; English transl.
in Sbornic: Mathematics, 197 (2006), 315-334.(AmSLaTeX, zip-pdf).
- Vladimir M. Tikhomirov, Moscow Mathematical Journal, 5, 1 (2005), 295 (with
V. Arnold, A. Demidov, Yu. Ilyashenko, G. Magaril-Ilyaev, E. Mishchenko,
A. Sossinsky, V. Tsfasman, V. Uspensky, M. Vyalyi, I. Yaschenko, M.
- The Hardy-Littlewood-Polya inequality and
optimal recovery of derivatives in Hardy spaces, Comput. Methods and
Funct. Theory, Intern. Conf. Joensuu, Finland, 2005, 109. (pdf).
- Optimal recovery of derivatives and exact
inequalities in Hardy spaces, Constr. Theory of Funct., Intern.
Conf. Varna, 2005, 27. (pdf).
- On the Hardy-Littlewood-Polya inequality
for analytic functions, Funct. Spaces, Approx. Theory, Nonlinear Analysis. Intern.
Conf. Moscow, 2005, 339. (pdf).
- Optimal recovery, best approximation, and extremum
theory, Funct.
Spaces, Approx. Theory, Nonlinear Analysis. Intern. Conf. Moscow, 2005, 327 (with.
G.G.Magaril-Il'yaev and V.M.Tikhomirov). (pdf).
- On recovery of the Dirichlet problem
solution by inaccurate input data, Vladikavkaz
Mat. Zh., 6,
4 (2004), 55-62 (zip-pdf, in Russian).
- 70th Birthday of Vladimir Mikhailovich
Tikhomirov, Vladikavkaz
Mat. Zh., 6,
4 (2004), 5-6 (with A.V. Arutyunov, A.P. Buslaev, E.M.Galeev, M.L.
Goldman, V.B. Demidovich, A.G. Kusraev, S.S. Kutateladze, G.G.
Magaril-Il'yaev, and E.S. Polovinkin).
- Optimal recovery of linear operators, Abstracts of International
Conference "Extremal Problems and
M:, MSU, 2004, 11-12 (pdf).
- On optimal recovery of heat equation
solutions. In:
Approximation Theory: A volume dedicated to B.Bojanov (D.K. Dimitrov,
G.Nikolov, and R.Uluchev, Eds.), 163-175, Sofia: Marin Drinov Academic
Publishing House, 2004 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev and V.M. Tikhomirov). (AmSLaTeX, zip-pdf).
- 60th Birthday of Georgii
Georgievich Magaril-Il'yaev, Vladikavkaz
Mat. Zh., 6, 2 (2004), 61-63 (with A.V. Arutyunov, A.P. Buslaev,
E.M. Galeev, M.L. Goldman, V.B. Demidovich, A.G. Kusraev, S.S.
Kutateladze, and V.M. Tikhomirov). (zip-pdf, in
- Optimal recovery of values of functions
and their derivatives from inaccurate data on the Fourier transform, Mat. Sb., 195 (2004), 67-82; English transl.
in Sbornic: Mathematics, 195 (2004), 1413-1459.(with G.G.
Magaril-Il'yaev). (AmSLaTeX, zip-pdf).
- Optimal recovery problems under uncertain
conditions, Functional
Spaces. Differential Operators. Problems of Mathematical Education, Intern. Conf., Moscow, 2003,
69-71 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev). (Word, AmSLaTeX, zip-pdf, in
- Optimal recovery of analytic functions by
their values at an equidistant net on a circle, Vladikavkaz
Mat. Zh.,
5, 1 (2003), 48-52. (AmSLaTeX, zip-pdf, in Russian).
- Optimal recovery of derivatives on Sobolev
classes, Vladikavkaz Mat. Zh., 5, 1 (2003), 39-47 (with
G.G.Magaril-Il'yaev). (AmSLaTeX, zip-pdf, in Russian).
- Optimal recovery of functions and their
derivatives from inaccurate information about the spectrum and
inequalities for derivatives, Funkc. analiz i ego prilozh., 37 (2003), 51-64;
English transl. in Funct. Anal and Its Appl., 37 (2003),
203-214 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev). (AmSLaTeX, zip-pdf).
- Indefinite knowledge about an object and
accuracy of its recovery methods, Probl. Peredachi Inf., 39
(2003), 118-133; English transl. in Probl. of Inform. Transm. 39
(2003), 104-118 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev and V.M. Tikhomirov). (AmSLaTeX, zip-pdf).
- Optimal recovery and extremum theory, Comput.
Methods Funct. Theory, 2 (2002), 87-112 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev and V.M. Tikhomirov).
(AmSLaTeX, zip-pdf).
- On teaching of mathematics in technical
Referate des 31. Internationalen Symposiums "Ingenieur des 21.
Jahrunderts", Sankt-Petersburg, 2002, 524-525 (with A.P. Buslaev,
M.I. Goldman, G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev, V.M. Tikhomirov, U.A. Farkov, and M.V.
Yashina). (AmSLaTeX, zip-pdf)
- Optimal recovery of functions and their
derivatives from Fourier coefficients prescribed with an error, Mat. Sb., 193 (2002), 79-100; English transl.
in Sbornic: Mathematics, 193 (2002), 387-407 (with G.G.
Magaril-Il'yaev). (AmSLaTeX, zip-pdf).
- A beam in a hut, Kvant,2002, 1,
2, 9-15, 2-6 (with A. Spivak and V. Tikhomirov). (zip-pdf1, zip-pdf2, in Russian).
- Optimal recovery and best quadratures for
Hardy-Sobolev classes, Numerical Integration and its Complexity, Mathematisches
Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Report ¹50/2001, 2001, 9. (AmSLaTeX, zip-pdf).
- Partial differential equations of the
first order and classification of linear equations of the second order, MATI-RSTU, Dep. of Higher
Mathematics, 2001, 1-15 (with V.V. Gorbatsevich). (Word, pdf, in Russian).
- Best quadrature formulae on Hardy–Sobolev
classes, Izv.
Ross. Akad. Nauk. Ser. Mat., 65 (2001), 73-90; English transl. in Izv. Math.,
65 (2001), 923-939. (AmSLaTeX, zip-pdf).
- Optimal reconstruction and the theory of
extremum, Dokl.
Ross. Akad. Nauk,
379 (2001), 161-164; English transl. in Doklady Mathematics,
64 (2001), 32-35 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev and V.M. Tikhomirov). (AmSLaTeX, zip-pdf, in
- Optimal recovery in Hardy-Sobolev spaces
and an analogue of splines for analytic functions,Comp. Meth. and Funct. Theory
2001, Univ. de
Aveiro, 2001, 73. (AmSLaTeX, zip-pdf).
- On optimal methods of recovery in
Hardy-Sobolev spaces, Mat. Sb., 192 (2001), 67-86; English transl. in Sbornic:
Mathematics,192 (2001), 225-244. (AmSLaTeX,
- On exact values of n-widths in a Hilbert
space, J. Approx. Theory, 108 (2001), 97-117 (with G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev and V.M.
Tikhomirov). (LaTeX, zip-pdf).
- Development of qualitative theory of
nonclassical equations of mathematical physics and mechanics, Scientific report,
02.20.0005268, VNTIC, 2000, 1-54 (with R.I. Bogdanov, E.V. Vvedenskaya,
V.V. Gorbatsevich, R.D. Kulakova, A.M. Nikulin, Yu.V. Selivanov, and E.I.
Shifrin). (AmSLaTeX, zip-pdf, in Russian).
- Optimal Recovery of Analytic
Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Huntington, New York, 2000.
- The method of parametrization in optimal
recovery problems, Vestn. Tambov. Univ. Ser. Estestv. i tehnich. nauki. 5
(2000), 480-481. (LaTeX, zip-pdf, in Russian).
- Optimal recovery of analytic functions
from Hardy-Sobolev spaces,4th Intern. Conf. on Func. Analysis and Approx. Theory, Acquafredda di Maratea, 2000,
43. (LaTeX,
- On best quadrature formulas on the Hardy
spaces $H_p$,
Proceedings of MATI, 3(75), Moscow, 2000, 327-330. (Word, zip-pdf, in Russian).
- MAPLE in the course of mathematical
analysis. Differentiation of functions, MATI-RSTU, Dep. of Higher Mathematics,
1999, 1-20 (with O.Yu. Agareva and E.V. Vvedenskaya). (Word, zip-pdf, in Russian).
- MAPLE in the course of mathematical
analysis. Limits of functions. Continuity, MATI-RSTU, Dep. of Higher Mathematics,
1999, 1-14 (with O.Yu. Agareva and E.V. Vvedenskaya). (Word, zip-pdf, in Russian).
- Optimal recovery of the derivative of
periodic analytic functions from Hardy classes, J. Approx. Theory, 97
(1999), 384-395. (LaTeX, zip-pdf).
- Development of course of mathematics in technical
high schools (problems and prospects), Problems of Engineering Education at the
Beginning of XXI Century, MADI(TU), Moscow 1998, 54-55 (with A.P. Buslaev,
M.L. Gol'dman, G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev, O.V. Seleznev, V.M. Tikhomirov, and
Yu.A. Farkov).
- Power series, Encyclopedia for Children, Mathematics,
Avanta+, Moscow, 1998, 501-503. (LaTeX,
zip-pdf, in Russian).
- On optimal recovery of derivatives of
analytic functions, Approx. Theory and Harmonic Analysis, Intern. Conf., Tula, 1998, 292-293 (LaTeX, zip-pdf).
- The Schwartz Lemma in the Hardy and
Bergman spaces on the unit ball of ${\bf C}^n$, Proceedings of MATI,
1(73), Moscow, 1998, 340-343. (Word, zip-pdf, in Russian).
- On optimal recovery of periodic analytic
Comput. Methods and Funct. Theory `97, Intern. Conf., Nicosia, 1997, 32. (LaTeX, zip-pdf).
- On exact values of n-widths for
classes defined by cyclic variation diminishing operators, Mat. Sb., 188 (1997), 113-126; English transl. in Sbornic: Mathematics,
188 (1997), 1371-1383. (AmSTeX,
- Optimal information for approximating
periodic analytic functions, Math. Comput., 66 (1997), 1579-1592 (with K.
Wilderotter). (AmSTeX, zip-pdf).
- Exact n-widths of Hardy-Sobolev classes, Constr. Approx., 13 (1997), 17-27. (LaTeX, zip-pdf).
- On exact values of n-widths for
classes defined by nonlinear cyclic variation diminishing operators, 3rd Intern. Conf. on Func.
Analysis and Approx. Theory, Acquafredda di Maratea, 1996, 73. (TeX, zip-pdf).
- Optimal recovery of periodic functions
from Fourier coefficients given with an error, J. Complexity, 12 (1996), 35-46. (AmSTeX, zip-pdf).
- Optimal recovery of functions in
$H_{2,\beta}$, Intern. Conf. on Approx. Theory, Kaluga, 1996, 247-248. (LaTeX, zip-pdf).
- Approximation of analytic functions, Approx. theory and numer.
methods. Intern. Conf. Rivne, 1996, 99. (LaTeX, zip-pdf).
- Optimal recovery in Hardy and Bergman
spaces on the ball of ${\bf C}^n$, Proceedings of Research Laboratory of
Extremal Problems, Dagestan State University, Makhachkala, 1995, 73-94. (TeX, zip-pdf, in
- Ismagilov type theorems for linear,
Gel'fand and Bernstein n-widths, J. Complexity, 11 (1995), 474-492 (with O.G. Parfenov). (AmSTeX, zip-pdf).
- On N-widths of holomorphic
functions of several variables, J. Approx. Theory,
82 (1995), 135-155.
- Exact values of n-widths and
optimal quadratures on classes of bounded analytic and harmonic functions,
J. Approx. Theory,
82 (1995), 156-175.
- Optimal recovery of functions from
Hardy-Sobolev classes, Funct. Spaces, Approx. Theory, Nonlinear Analysis. Intern. Confer. Moscow, 1995,
350. (AmSTeX, zip-pdf).
- Quadrature formulas, MATI, Dep. of Higher
Mathematics, 1995, 1-20. (AmSTeX,
zip-pdf, in Russian).